Ameravant Support
March 25, 2010

Balance Brain Chemistry, Get Back Your Life

Re-Establish Brain Balance Naturally

At our clinics, Dr. Jacobs and Dr. Cates help people suffering from the many possible mental and physical health challenges caused by neurotransmitter deficiency and imbalance, re-gain and achieve mental and physical vitality.  We accomplish this faster, cheaper and with fewer side effects compared to what is commonly recommended for treating anxiety, depression and other mental disorders; even if you have tried numerous pharmaceutical -or even natural- approaches or have exhausted what conventional medicine has to offer. #imagebox#

Our overall health is greatly influenced by neurotransmitter balance.  Neurotransmitters are chemicals that regulate brain, muscle, nerve and organ function.  They communicate signals between the between the approximately 100 billion complexly interconnected neurons that make up the brain.  Our sense of well-being, pain perception, inflammation regulation, immune system function, and our ability to think clearly and maintain healthy attitude and behaviors are all dependent upon healthy neurotransmitter balance.  Neurotransmitter deficiency is extremely common, and is a caused by trauma (emotional or physical) and stressful lifestyle and environmental factors. 

Some common problems that may result from neurotransmitter deficiency and imbalance include:



Panic Attacks




Menopause Symptoms



Chronic Fatigue      

Migraines / Headaches

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Attention Deficit

Learning Disorders      

Burn-Out / Exhaustion

Conventionally used medications used for depression and other mental disorders are primarily aimed at normalizing chemical balance within the brain; however, improvement is temporary with this approach and prolonged use will very often deplete essential neurotransmitters.  Over time, the patients condition remains unresolved and often worsens  to the need for higher dosages or switching to other, more potent -and potentially more hazzardous- drugs.

Amino Acid Therapy

Neurotransmitter are primarily manufactured in the body from specific amino acids.  We get amino acids in our diet by eating protein-rich foods.  Using specific amino acid supplements is a natural way to help optimize neurotransmitter balance.  Supplementation may also complement or eliminate the need for anti-depressants and other psychiatric medications, and can help restore positive outlook and overall function.  Amino acid therapy taken with supportive nutrients can take effect immediately and bring about permanent change.  Patients with a history of either severe psychological trauma, brain injuries or drug abuse may experience more gradual changes over time as the nervous system literally heals from trauma and/or drug toxicity. 

Getting Back in Balance

Due to the complexity of the nervous system, many factors must be considered when prescribing neurotransmitter precursors and supportive nutrients.  Because there are many overlapping symptoms among different neurotransmitter deficiency states, it can be difficult for a novice to correctly determine which neurotransmitters to address.  It is therefore recommended that you work closely with either Dr. Jacobs or Dr. Cates so that you do not worsen existing neurotransmitter abnormalities -or create new ones!  The doctors will guide you through a program that normalizes neurotransmitter levels in the correct order of relevance and importance so that you can safely benefit from this life-changing therapy that can, literally, help you get your life back.



You may be a candidate for neurotransmitter balancing if the following applies to you:


Neurotransmitter Deficiency Symptoms and Signs   

afternoon and/or evening cravings for specific foods or substances; negativity, depression; worry, anxiety; low self-esteem; obsessive thoughts or behaviors; controlling behaviors; perfectionism; winter blues; irritability, rage; PMS; dislike hot weather; panic attacks or phobias; fibromyalgia; TMJ/jaw pain; other chronic pain; suicidal thoughts; night-owl, hard to get to sleep; insomnia, disturbed sleep; cravings for stimulation from sugar, chocolate, caffeine, cocaine, methamphetamines; depression, apathy; lack of energy; lack of drive; lack of focus, concentration; ADHD, hyperactivity; crave carbs, alcohol or drugs for relaxation; stressed and burned out; unable to relax/ loosen up; stiff or tense muscles; feel easily overwhelmed; crave comfort, reward, or numbing treats; “love” certain foods, behaviors, drugs, or alcohol; sensitive to emotional or physical pain; and cries or “tears up” easily.

Substances You Use or Have Used

sugar; sweets; chocolate; caffeine; sodas; juices; starch; aspartame; alcohol; tobacco; marijuana; ecstasy/MDMA; cocaine; amphetamines; diet pills; Prozac; Zoloft; Paxil; Effexor; Celexa; Wellbutrin; Ritalin; Adderall; Valium; Ativan; Neurontin; Klonopin; Vicodin; heroin; and/or other opiate drugs.


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